Orodha ya Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Baada ya kutoa Windows 10 Microsoft wameamua kututolea orodha nzima ya shortcuts za keyboard zinazomwezesha mtumiaji wa Windows kuitumia kwa urahisi na ufasaha zaidi.

Shortcuts hizi kutoka Microsoft zinatumia karibia herufi zote zinazopatikana katika keyboard za mashine zetu pamoja na alama ya Windows ili kufanya shughuli fulani. Napozungumzia shortcuts namaanisha njia ya mkato ya kufanya shughuli fulani katika kompyuta yako, kwa mfano ukitaka kungua My Computer (inafahamika kama ‘This PC’ katika windows 10) inakubidi uende kwenye Desktop, uright click ile icon ya This PC, alafu ubonyeze open ili kufungua My Computer, au udouble click ile icon. Kwa kutumia shortcut ni rahisi zaidi, unachotakiwa kufanya ni kubonyea alama ya Windows na herufi E kwa wakati mmoja.
Hebu tuangalie orodha kamili,
Windows keyOpen and close the Start menu.
Windows+1, +2, etc.Switch to the desktop and launch the nth application in the taskbar. For example, +1 launches whichever application is first in the list, numbered from left to right.
Windows+AOpen the action center.
Windows+BHighlight the notification area.
Windows+CLaunch Cortana into listening mode. Users can begin to speak to Cortana immediately
Windows+DSwitch between Show Desktop (hides/shows any applications and other windows) and the previous state.
Windows+ESwitch to the desktop and launch File Explorer with the Quick Access tab displayed.
Windows+HOpen the Share  charm.
Windows+IOpen the Settings  app.
Windows+KOpen the Connect pane to connect to wireless displays and audio devices.
Windows+LLock the device and go to the Lock screen.
Windows+MSwitch to the desktop and minimize all open windows.
Windows+OLock device orientation.
Windows+POpen the Project pane to search and connect to external displays and projectors.
Windows+RDisplay the Run dialog box.
Windows+SLaunch Cortana. Users can begin to type a query immediately.
Windows+TCycle through the apps on the taskbar.
Windows+ULaunch the Ease of Access Center.
Windows+VCycle through notifications.
Windows+XOpen the advanced menu in the lower-left corner of the screen.
Windows+ZOpen the app-specific command bar.
Windows+ENTERLaunch Narrator.
Windows+SPACEBARSwitch input language and keyboard layout.
Windows+TABOpen Task view.
Windows+,Peek at the desktop.
Windows+Plus SignZoom in.
Windows+Minus SignZoom out.
Windows+ESCAPEClose Magnifier.
Windows+LEFT ARROWDock the active window to the left half of the monitor.
Windows+RIGHT ARROWDock the active window to the right half of the monitor.
Windows+UP ARROWMaximize the active window vertically and horizontally.
Windows+DOWN ARROWRestore or minimize the active window.
Windows+SHIFT+UP ARROWMaximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
Restore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
Windows+SHIFT+LEFT ARROWWith multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the left.
Windows+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROWWith multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the right.
Windows+HOMEMinimize all nonactive windows; restore on second keystroke.
Windows+PRNT SCRNTake a picture of the screen and place it in the Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder.
Windows+CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT arrowSwitch to the next or previous virtual desktop.
Windows+CTRL+DCreate a new virtual desktop.
Windows+CTRL+F4Close the current virtual desktop.
Windows+?Launch the Windows Feedback App.
Kama Cortana amezimwa shortcut zote zinazohusiana na yeye hutoweza kutumia.
Cortana hapatikani katika maeneo yote ulimwenguni, kuna baadhi ya sehemu tu ndipo anapopatikana. tlishazungumzia habari za Cortana hapa.


Je unamaoni kuhusu makala uliyoisoma dondosha maoni yako hapa